Proper Fielding Position > here’s the perfect position to field routine ground balls
Catching Fly Balls > the mechanics and thoughts on catching a routine fly ball
Glove Work, High Reps Drill > this is a static foot position drill focused on high repetitions of the hands – line up your players and feed them 4-5 balls, next guy up!
Footwork, High Reps Drill > this fielding drill is focused on footwork, high reps – make sure players get hands out front to pick up the ball but focus mostly on the feet getting their hands over each ball. Line your kids up, set down 3-6 baseballs and cycle through!
Read & Reaction Drill > a little competition makes things fun! Your player is essentially a goal keeper. When you get ready to hit or roll the ball the player should be practicing their ready position and trying to get the earliest and best read possible to not let you (the coach) score a goal
The Under Hand Flip > this is an important fundamental to learn and do correctly
Double Play > receiving a throw or flip at second base, getting ready to “turn 2”. A double play almost never happens before 9/10 years old at earliest but prepping your players on how to approach 2B and receive a throw at 2B is beneficial to their development